
WS/FGD Held on June 9th with Education & Community Stakeholders

We have successfully organised a Work Shop/Focus Group Discussion on 9th June at Mekkah Hotel, Banda Aceh with 56 stakeholders of Education and Community sectors. The following is a distribution of participants ages.

In the morning, an opening session and a session to review general recovery & reconstructions was held. In the opening session, remarks from TDMRC & Kobe Univ. are given and followed by a PPT presentation of Disaster Education in Japan (PPT file uploaded to our Dropbox) was made. Comments on general recovery & reconstructions are asked by using questionnaires (Questions A-1 to A-5, uploaded to Dropbox).

Facilitators who are the members of five AGs (Aspect Groups) worked hard to collect comments and opinions on the recovery & reconstruction states of Banda Aceh by separating the comments related to personal (internal) or societal (external) matters. Also at the end of session, one representative from each group (about 10 groups altogether) has reported a summary of comments from each group.   Typed data on all participant's comments (questionnaire, and also posted comments as in the right photo)  in Bahasa Indonesia are also uploaded.

In the afternoon, the facilitators from AG1 (Housing & Infrastructure), 2 (Economic Development), 3 (Mental Health & Psychosocial), and 5 (Community) have asked their specific questions to participants by grouping them into 4 different groups. Posed questionnaire from each AG and analyses of data will be uploaded in our Dropbox.

Around 4:30, our first WS/FGD meeting has been completed very successfully.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Thanks Tanaka Sensei. Still waiting for prilimenary report for FGD 1, some of finding would be interesting.
