Also during the preparation meeting for this event, the following dates for the 3rd and 4th workshops are tentatively decided;
1. October Workshop targeting private sectors: October 25th Saturday Morning. (22-24 will be AIWEST-DR 2014).
2. December Workshop targeting public meeting: December 20th Saturday full day. (This depends on availability of venue, such as Tsunami Museum or public park in from of the museum).
It may be noted that this time, a local news media came to report our meeting. Also UNSyiah has put a web article on the meeting. (
(Sorry for my previously writing "TDMRC" instead of "UNSyiah" by Y.Tanaka)
The follow-up of the meeting is to convert all answers to general questionnaire A1 to A3 will be put in a word digital file by the students of TDMRC, and will be sent to Y.Tanaka who will upload after translating to English using Google translate.
Also to be noted is that in next meetings we should have a logo of TOYOTA Foundation which is supporting finically our project. Y.Tanaka has already contacted Toyota Foundation on how to proceed this.
Hope we will have good & continued collaboration on our project.
(by Yasuo Tanaka)
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