
3rd UNSyiah Meeting held to discuss 1st Workshop on 24th April

On 17th Thursday, 3rd meeting was held to discuss the details of 1st Workshop on 24th April.
The followings are key points as discussed in the meeting.
(Y. Tanaka highlights those statements that are not clearly understood.)

1. UNSyiah researchers are going to undertake 3 to 4 times FGDs (Focus Group Discussions?)  and a couple of in depth interviews or field survey with questionnaires. 

2. The first FGD on next Thursday, 24 April, is the so-called experts FGD.  Its purpose is to validate the questions formulated by each aspects based on experts judgements.

3. The 2nd and 3rd FGDs are dedicated to post those validated questions to the sample audiences which comes from different stakeholders and/or communities. Most of the aspects plan to do a multi-stage FGDs. This means there will be follow up action by in-depth interview with some further selected respondents. We have already identified some commonality of respondents from some aspects as well as completely different respondents from one aspects to another. We conclude based on this fact, that we are going to split into two parallel groups in every FGD event (FGD2a, FGD2b and FGD3a, FGD3b). Each of these sub FGDs (40 persons each) are consisting of two different target respondents. In this way, each aspects group who has commonality in respondents will be in the same sub FGD. We will try to finish the design of these sub FGDs in these two days and will update you on this.

4. Subsequently, it might be useful to conduct the final FGD (FGD4) which is dedicated to a public discussions based on final results of the assessment in order to once again have comments from wider audience, particularly from the community.

5. On the other hand, for some reasons, we feel that there are some details which cannot be acquired through FGDs, particularly with the aspects of economic development and infrastructure/housings. Also, by the fact that we want to include not only Banda Aceh, but also the cases of remote districts representative for the western and eastern coasts in our study. 
-----------The above are what discussed in the 3rd UNSyiah Meeting---------------

Y.Tanaka basically agrees what UNSyiah team planned, and also the needs for extending the study for the areas outside of Banda Aceh. --- Question is that "Do we have enough time to complete our study on Banda Aceh's recovery & reconstruction assessment??"
Y.Tanaka pose this question because we need not only those FGDs (Workshops?) and their analyses, but more importantly a good collection of data to create in-depth historical map (or graph) on populations, infrastructures, governmental organisation, educational system, industrial (agricultural & fishery) production changes at Banda Aceh or Aceh State over the past 10 years. This is the task UNSyiah FG(Focus Group) members have to complete otherwise nobody does. I expect more discussions and follow-ups will be made in the future blogs.

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