The followings are the summary of phone discussion with Y.Tanaka and TDMRC representative on April 21st evening.
It was also confirmed that the discussion in FGD (WS) will be conducted by grouping the participants into small numbers, say 7-8 persons for the participants to feel easy of expressing their views.
To collect a quantitative survey data/result from this FDG (WS), it is important to identify the individual's background (i.e., age, gender, and affiliation) so that we can judge his/her comment representing what kind of community or stakeholder. All answer sheets need to be collected after the FDG (WS) and archived digitally.
In UNSyiah, the reliability of the data collected at FDG (WS) was discussed with respect to its quantitative accuracy. Alternative such as a survey over a large number of public using questionary is not used in this project because;
outcomes expected from FDG (WS) are
1) sharing of understanding on recovery & reconstruction states at Banda Aceh among participants, and
2) discussing together about the future plan of Banda Aceh among the participants through the understanding of current recovery and reconstruction status.
Further discussions on the details of how to conduct the FGD (WS) continue at UNSyiah.
(Written by Y. Tanaka)
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