
Ache's Economic Developments -Past & Future -

In order to discuss the future of Aceh & Banda Aceh, it is extremely important to understand the economic developments over past 10 years that had supported Aceh & Banda Aceh economic livelihood.

It is also very important to know that the declining production of natural gas in Aceh is a major factor that lowers the GDP (Gross Domestic Products: Pertumbuhan Ekonomi) of Aceh while the agricultural and fishery, and possibly tourism sectors contribute very positively to Aceh’s GDP.

Y.Tanaka found the following figures that indicate the economic changes in Aceh, and he would like to see more detailed follow-up on this by UNSyiah researchers. Three references are thought to be extremely important for this study, and they are the following 3 literatures that are uploaded in our Dropbox:

1) Buku_Datin_Kinerja_Pembangunan_2004-2012
2) Sisira Jayasuriya and Peter McCawley (2010), The Asian Tsunami Aid and Reconstruction after a Disaster, (A JOINT PUBLICATION OF THE ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK INSTITUTE AND EDWARD ELGAR PUBLISHING)
3) Peter McCawley’s presentation: Indonesia Update 2013 - Aceh’s Economy – Prospects for Revival after Disaster and War- (taken from web).

Figure taken from Kinerja Pembangunan 2004-2012
Please see page 93 of this book.
Slide taken from Peter McCawley's presentation on Aceh's GDP's structural distribution. 
Y.Tanaka thinks that MIgas in the figure may represent the mines and natural gas contribution, and Agric would include agriculture and fishery.

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